• 7th World Championship - women category, single games
  • 6th World Championship - women category, single games
  • 6th World Championship - men category, single games
  • 6th World Championship - double women
  • 6th World Championship - double men
  • 6th World Championship - mix
  • 6th World Championship - team competition
  • 7th World Championship - men category, single games
  • 7th World Championship - double women
  • 7th World Championship - double men
  • 5th World Family Tournament - family triplets I, children under 15
  • 5th World Family Tournament - family triplets II, children over 15 years

XVIIth Memorial of Włodzimierz Strzyżewski in Ringo

Created: Saturday, 08 September 2018

XVIIth Memorial of Włodzimierz Strzyżewski in Ringo was played on September 8, 2018 at the GKS "Świt” stadium in Warsaw. The tournament was played in 12 individual age categories, three-mixed girls and boys up to 13 years and doubles of girls and boys to 16 years and mixed doubles in the open category.

Traditionally, the memorial was started by placing a bunch of flowers on the grave of Włodzimierz Strzyżewski, the unforgettable in our hearts, the creator of RINGO- only one the sole and truly Polish sports game FOR EVERYONE.

The competition gathered the top ringo players from Poland, Belarus and Lithuania, numerous appeared the oldest ringo player, many of them have already exceeded eighty years and presented great form on the fields and a joy of life.   Foto