• 7th World Championship - women category, single games
  • 6th World Championship - women category, single games
  • 6th World Championship - men category, single games
  • 6th World Championship - double women
  • 6th World Championship - double men
  • 6th World Championship - mix
  • 6th World Championship - team competition
  • 7th World Championship - men category, single games
  • 7th World Championship - double women
  • 7th World Championship - double men
  • 5th World Family Tournament - family triplets I, children under 15
  • 5th World Family Tournament - family triplets II, children over 15 years

44th International Polish Championship in Ringo

Created: Sunday, 03 July 2016
44th International Polish Championship in Ringo played in the Pułtusk at the city stadium. The competition brought together leaders of ringo players of the leading centers from Poland, Belarus and Germany.
The competition took place in 16 individual categories and 6 double categories. Sunny and hot weather that accompanied the players was a difficult and selective test for the players.
Polish Society Ringo congratulates champions, medalists and all participants of the Championship.